
应微博fans Sam,微博账号@Sam_飞的要求,特总结过去经验,发表此文解析预收费高端猎头服务与一般猎头服务的差别。(Differences between executive search service levels:Retained & Contingent)


:回复@FreeGeeker自由奇客:关于猎头公司服务的分类的简单介绍。比如常见的Exclusive search Retrained Search ,他们到底有什么不同,怎么去操作,具体的什么职务需要这样的猎头服务。”


  • The level of urgency for the position.
  • The seniority of the position.
  • The strategic nature of the position.
  • The level of service the client wants.



  • First of all, recruiter will pin down all the key points regarding the opportunity and the requirements. Recruiter will target every possible candidate/company in the market, including those that are not actively looking for jobs. This can involve contacting and interviewing up to 150-200 candidates on your behalf.
  • Dedicate several of our resources to work on client’s roles full-time to expedite the recruitment process.
  • Submit to client a detailed list of companies we will be approaching for this project. This will give client transparency on who we will be approaching and client the necessary objective information you need to adjust qualifications/requirements for the role.
  • Provide consistent updates on the progress of the search versus the agreed upon target list.
  • Client would have full access to Recruiter/Consultant and Researchers who would work on client’s behalf until the market was completely covered.
  • Provide full profiles for each candidate submitted so that clients have as much information as possible prior to conducting the interviews.
  • At the end of the search recruiter will provide the detailed list and results of each person contacted during the search so that you have an objective understanding of why candidates were no interested or qualified for the opportunity.
  • Fees paid by 3 installments: commencement, shortlist candidate, placement.
  • Recruiter would anticipate a 25-30 business day timeline to complete the candidate interviews and present client with the final shortlist. Recruiter would submit a benchmark candidate early in the process to make sure he/she is on the right track.
  • Client will have more long period candidate guarantee.


  • Recruiter will contact existing network of candidates in company database, which represent about 20% active job seekers in the market, this would only give you access to those candidates that are actively looking for new opportunities. Then keep “eyes open” for other potential candidates as company comes across them during our other projects.
  • Present to you candidate resumes if we come across any that would fit your role.
  • No dedicated resources to the projects.
  • No updates or reports unless there is candidate to send.
  • Fee due upon placement with your firm.
  • Shorter period candidate guarantee.

我想这些可以说明不同服务种类之间的差别,以及在操作上的区别。至于服务种类只要相互组合就可得出主要的4种来, 具体相互的差别也只要根据上面服务的猎头进行加减组合即可明白。

  • Exclusive & Retrained Search
  • Exclusive & Contingent Search
  • Retrained Search
  • Contingent Search



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Source: github.com/k4yt3x/flowerhd