2-Cook是工作狂。财富杂志2008年曾经报道称,Cook是一个高速运转的机器,还曾经为苹果不能按时生产白色iPhone 4而相当愤怒。
4-Cook最近越发频繁的代表苹果公司出现在公众视野中。上周,Verizon发布iPhone 4合约时,代表苹果出席的就是Cook;去年10月,苹果发布新的Mac,出席的也是Cook。
从很多方面来看,他与库克却恰好相反。乔布斯的脾气反复无常,而且容易发怒。而在阿拉巴马州的一个小镇成 长起来的库克却彬彬有礼,而且语调柔和,他经常被人称作是一名“南方绅士”。乔布斯着迷于苹果产品的每一个细节,库克则专注于苹果运营过程的细枝末节,尽 管后者的吸引力似乎略逊一筹。
Tim Cook
Chief Operating Officer
Tim Cook is Apple’s chief operating officer and reports to Apple’s CEO. He is responsible for all of the company’s worldwide sales and operations, including end-to-end management of Apple’s supply chain, sales activities, and service and support in all markets and countries. Cook also heads Apple’s Macintosh division and plays a key role in the continued development of strategic reseller and supplier relationships, ensuring flexibility in response to an increasingly demanding marketplace.
Before joining Apple, Cook was vice president of Corporate Materials for Compaq and was responsible for procuring and managing all of Compaq’s product inventory. Previous to his work at Compaq, Cook was the chief operating officer of the Reseller Division at Intelligent Electronics.
Cook also spent 12 years with IBM, most recently as director of North American Fulfillment where he led manufacturing and distribution functions for IBM’s Personal Computer Company in North and Latin America.
Cook serves on the board of directors for Nike, Inc. and the National Football Foundation.
Cook earned an M.B.A. from Duke University, where he was a Fuqua Scholar, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from Auburn University.
Revised 03/10
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